The Art and Culture Taskforce (ACT), combines the collective talents within the entertainment industry through education to return the magic of music, dance, sports, and art to children of all ages.  Our purpose is to inspire future generations to their greatest potential. Our literacy and cultural programs will instill in the hearts and minds –

That Life Itself Is Art

History has proven that when a country loses the richness and beauty of culture; we lose civilization! We are today at a crossroads! Our educational system finds culture taking the economic hit when budgets must be cut. The intent of ACT is to foster individual and collective effort to promote and expand education of the arts throughout our great country and continue the tradition of being the pacesetter in the contemporary world.
We Can Make A Difference!

Diane Ladd with student and puppy

Meiners Oaks Student, adopted puppy and Diane (above) along with various photos of children working in the garden at Hollygrove (shown left).

A.C.T. – The Art and Culture Task Force is a 501(c)3 charity organization dedicated to promoting culture in our country. Your donation is tax deductible.



1129 Maricopa Hwy
OJAI, CA 93023

Office: (855) 688-7007
Fax: (805) 640-6584